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필리핀 전기문의드립니다(6)

Views : 19,789 2021-07-20 12:57
질문과답변 1275236910
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한국은 가정용전기 일반용전기 상업용전기 이렇게 나뉘어져 있는데 필리핀도 보통 가정에서 쓰는 전기랑 상가나 공장에서 쓰는 전기가 나뉘어져 있나요?? 가격은 얼마정도일까요
질의 중... 30초 정도 걸려요 ...
  본 글을 신고하시겠습니까?
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코로나끝나면뭐먹고살지 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-07-20 13:21 No. 1275236937
한국과 다르게 지역마다
회사에서 운영하기도 합니다.

이런 이유로
지역마다 다른 요금 시스템인데
11에서 14정도.
누진세도 있음.

상업용도 업종에 따라 또 달라지고 할인 혜택도 다름.

코로나22 마스크 팜
코로나22 페이스 쉘드 팜
코로나22 치료제 삼
코로나22 백신 면제자 컴퍼니
필고좋아요 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-07-20 15:02 No. 1275237040
상업용은 규모에따라 전기를 안써고 기본요금이 비쌉니다. 저도 몰랐는데 코로나 하면서 각 건물마다 전원을 다 내렸는데도 전기세가 여전히 비싸게 나와서 꼼꼼히 확인해봤는데, 특별히 사용량이 없어도 기본요금이 꽤나 되더군요. 저희같은경우 건물마다 메인라인이 3개로 분리되어있는데(청구서가 3개가 따로나온다는 의미) 3개 합치면 매월 최소 20만에서 최대 50만페소 정도 1개월 전기요금이 나왔고 코로나로 운영이 거의 정지되다시피해서 최소한의 전기만 사용했는데도 라인당 기본금액이 한 2만정도 청구되더군요. 저희집 청구서와 비교해보니 가정용 전기 청구서에는 없는 항목들이 있었고요. 가정용은... 아마 기본요금이 있어도 그 금액이 작은거로 알고 있습니다. 위에 댓글대로 아마 지역마다, 전기회사마다 조금씩은 다 다른거로 알고 있습니다.
천하루 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-07-20 16:48 No. 1275237099
41 포인트 획득. 축하!
지역마다 다 틀려요. 저희동네는 거주용 사업용 두개밖에 없는데 사업용이 눈꼽만큼 더 쌉니다
Donghyun [쪽지 보내기] 2021-07-23 19:03 No. 1275240325
지역마다 틀리다고하더라구요
★지누 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-07-23 22:46 No. 1275240384
메랄코 빌링 규정입니다.

Service Rate Classifications:

Service Rate is a way for Meralco to classify its customers and is used to properly bill your monthly consumption based on the approved rate schedule.

The different rate classification across the following customer types are as follows:

For Residential:

Residential – used for a single dwelling unit with at least 1 toilet & bath and a kitchen facility for the primary purpose of residence.

For Business:

General Service (GS) – commercial and industrial customers with a connected load of less than 40kw for general power, heating, and/or lighting.
1. General Service A (GS-A) – any business premise whose contracted capacity does not exceed 5kw (e.g. bakery, salon, car wash, etc.)
2. General Service B (GS-B) – any business premise whose contracted capacity is between 5kw and 39kw (e.g. restaurant, small commercial spaces, convenience stores, etc.)

General Power (GP) – commercial and industrial customers with a connected load above 40kw
★지누 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-07-23 22:50 No. 1275240386
계약용량에 따른 차이를 설명한 내용입니다.

GMBD, Applied Load, & Contracted Capacity

What is GMBD?

The Guaranteed Minimum Billing Demand (GMBD) is the minimum demand in kilowatts (kW) for business customers with contracted capacity of 5kW and above.

It covers the development, operations and maintenance of the distribution system of Meralco from high-voltage transmission grids to commercial and industrial accounts. The GMBD of the customer is based on his load requirement and should be right-sized during contracting. This is in compliance with ERC rules.

How is GMBD computed?

GMBD is computed by taking 70% of your Contracted Capacity (for GSB, 5kw is the minimum GMBD while for GP, 40kw is the minimum GMBD). For General Power customers, you can modify your contract and GMBD once a year while for General Service-B customers, you can apply for modification of contract once a month. You may click on the link for a discussion on customer classes.

GMBD is used to compute for the Demand and Distribution Charges* when the actual kilowatt demand is lower than the guaranteed minimum as specified in the service contract. If the customer has reached the guaranteed minimum, the demand and distribution charges are based on the actual kilowatt demand registration. Hence, business customers who have zero (0) kwh consumption are also billed with GMBD charges.
* You may refer to the monthly published rates for computation details.

What is the difference between an Applied Load (AL) and Contracted Capacity (CC)?

Applied Load (AL) is the load in kilowatts (kW) computed from your submitted electrical plans. Contracted Capacity is the maximum power requirement of the customer at any given time and is computed by multiplying the Applied Load by the Demand Factor based on the nature of your business. This is also used as the basis for the installation of the appropriate Meralco facilities.
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