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백신의 이동과 지원이 어려운 이유가 될 수 있는 백신계약 조건...(2)

Views : 23,000 2021-05-01 22:14
자유게시판 1275181378
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4월초에 모 언론사에서 보도한 내용인데,
미국 정부도 백신 계약서가 미국령 안에서만 쓸 수 있다고 합니다.
아마 백신 회사들이 아마도 다른 국가에도 다 그렇게 했을 듯 합니다.
그래야, 상황봐가면서 가격을 부를 수 있을 테니까요...
미국 뿐 아니라, 대부분의 국가도 해외에 있는 자국민에 대한 백신 지원이나 인도적 차원의 백신 지원이 어려울 수도 있을 거 같습니다.
만약 이 계약조건이 일반적이라면...

The contracts the Trump administration signed with the vaccine manufacturers prohibit the U.S. from sharing its surplus doses with the rest of the world. According to contract language Vanity Fair has obtained, the agreements with Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Janssen state: “The Government may not use, or authorize the use of, any products or materials provided under this Project Agreement, unless such use occurs in the United States” or U.S. territories.

The clauses in question are designed to ensure that the manufacturers retain liability protection, but they have had the effect of projecting the Trump administration’s America First agenda into the Biden era. “That is what has completely and totally prohibited the U.S. from donating or reselling, because it would be in breach of contract,” said a senior administration official involved in the global planning effort. “It is a complete and total ban. Those legal parameters must change before we do anything to help the rest of the world.”

주필리핀 미국 대사관에도 백신관련 내용은 매우 원론적인 수준으로 언급되어 있네요.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information:

  • Has the government of the Philippines approved a COVID-19 vaccine for use?  Yes.
  • Are vaccines available in the Philippines for U.S. citizens to receive?  Yes, but circumstances may be limited.

Contact your Local Government Unit (LGU) for information on whether you qualify to receive the vaccine and the timeline for distribution. Dual U.S.-Philippine citizens should be eligible as Philippine citizens for vaccination under local programs. U.S. citizens who are residents of the Philippines should contact their LGU for information about the vaccination program in their area. U.S. citizens working for private companies in the Philippines should inquire with their employers about vaccine distribution plans for staff. For more information, see the Philippine DOH Beat COVID-19 website.

  • Which vaccines are available in the Philippines?

The Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted authorization for emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech, Coronavac, and Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccines.

질의 중... 30초 정도 걸려요 ...
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뭉개구름@네이버-32 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-05-01 23:11 No. 1275181398
정부의 노력 여하에 따라 계약은 변경 될꺼라 봅니다
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한 [쪽지 보내기] 2021-05-01 23:12 No. 1275181401
아무래도 기업은 영리가 목적이니...

앞으로 경쟁이 심화되면 나아지지 않을가 싶네요..
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