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살인 없는 마약과의 전쟁? 가능할까? - 두테르테 VS 로브레도(8)

Views : 3,520 2019-11-14 13:19
자유게시판 1274473532
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살인 없는 마약과의 전쟁? 가능할까?
두테르테 VS 로브레도

내용요약 (Summary)

The cold war between the Philippine President and his Vice President might have come to its peak after the latter’s criticism of the government’s controversial war on drugs.

With the Vice President’s acceptance of the job offered to her as the new leader of the President’s drug crackdown, one could expect her to fail and another could hope she succeeds.

The Vice President’s comments that the drug war has primarily targeted the poor and that the policy “is not working” in an interview with Reuters and subsequent media appearances could have been the last straw for the President. This led to the offer to have powers over the drug war for six months.

Before she announced her acceptance of his offer last November 06, her allies had warned her that it was a trap and that she was set to fail.

Meanwhile, President Duterte’s loyalists had urged her to take the offer as this was her chance to prove that she wasn’t all talk.

As she has decided to take the offer, Amnesty International, which has accused the President of crimes against humanity in connection with the drug war, also praised her.

What can be expected from this recent turn of events?

Watch this video to find out!
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사탄 [쪽지 보내기] 2019-11-14 15:19 No. 1274473634
95 포인트 획득. 축하!
Good day -

잘보고갑니다. 감사합니다.
Welcome to hell
The world is
DanielJo [쪽지 보내기] 2019-11-14 15:20 No. 1274473642
63 포인트 획득. 축하!
제 생각으로는 과연 너희들이 주장하는 인권을 존중하는 정책으로 마약과의 전쟁에서 이길 수 있을것 같에? 두테르테 대통령이 그렇게 한번 해보라고 보란듯이 그녀에게 넘긴것은 아마도 자신이 왜 그렇게 인권을 무시한 즉살정책을 써야 했는지 정당성을 확보하기 위한것 같다는 생각이 듭니다.
하얀고무신 [쪽지 보내기] 2019-11-14 15:41 No. 1274473679
96 포인트 획득. 축하!
총기 자유화 된 이나라에서 아마도 ,,

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MONSTER_M [쪽지 보내기] 2019-11-14 15:48 No. 1274473685
98 포인트 획득. 축하!
잘보고 갑니다. 결과는 시간이 지나면 알게되겠죠
pak2140 [쪽지 보내기] 2019-11-14 16:50 No. 1274473814
39 포인트 획득. 축하!
잡아다 죽이는거지.... 그자리에서 사살하지말고... 소스는 캐고 죽여야,,,,
덴탈 부티크치과
unit-2c Margarita center 27 aguirre ave. bf homes paranaque city
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10 포인트 획득. ... 힘내세요!
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10 포인트 획득. ... 힘내세요!
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